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Ghost Town......

     The virus has transformed our life into something we've never expected before. The busy road that always takes us on a bumper to bumper traffic is no longer loaded with cars, but what's left is the abandoned cars and trash. The whole town is locked down, and we've been put under quarantine since the virus has spread rapidly. There's a rescue camp near my house, and we're going to stay there to prevent the outbreak.   We have barely survived to live there because of the extremely limited food supply. We can't go anywhere, man. Every day, holding out hope that the cure will be completed and distributed to all of us survivors. The worst is the situation out there. It's out of control. Monsters are all over the place! Those who could not be protected have turned into creepy zombies. The cause is still nowhere to be found, but one day the soldiers discovered a way for us to survive! Yes! They found out the zombies' weakness that they are weak against fir

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